Michael and Fiona Burn Notice T-Shirt

Michael and Fiona Burn Notice T-Shirt
Bruce Campbell
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Imagine yourself a highly capable covert government agent, a sort of James Bond meets Jason Bourne meets Charles Bronson.  Now imagine that your life as an intelligence agent is suddenly terminated.  In other words, those in charge have issued a burn notice with regard to your existence as an operative.  You try to adjust to a normal life, but you have no work history, no money, no contacts and essentially no identity.  This is the premise for the USA TV Show Burn Notice starring Jeffrey Donovan as ex-operative Michael Weston, Gabrielle Anwar as his girlfriend Fiona Glenanne, and Bruce Campbell as his old friend Sam Axe.  The Burn Notice Michael and Fiona t-shirt displayed here is a tribute to the couple whose relationship never lacks excitement and is quite literally explosive at times.

In order to make ends meet and to also fund his own investigation into why he was burned, Michael picks up odd jobs as an unlicensed private investigator, helping ordinary citizens.  He is often assisted by Fiona, who was formerly associated with the IRA for fourteen years.  Her skills with explosives, weapons and her driving expertise make her a valuable asset, not only personally but professionally as well.  If you crave a relationship with more than a few sparks, this Burn Notice shirt will help to satisfy your desires.

Sold by: eBay   Category: TV   

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