Being a Grimm comes with certain responsibilities, as Detective Nick Burkhardt discovers on the NBC Television show. After learning that he has the ability to see the mythological creatures known as Wesen, he quickly realizes that he must learn how to fight them. This Grimm t-shirt is a homage to his crash course in weapons training. In various episodes, Nick learns how to use a variety of Grimm weapons, including a twin crossbow called a Doppelarmbrust that was designed to kill Blutbaden, and a Siegbarste Gewehr rifle that can be used to kill Siegbarste when the bullets are coated in Siegbarste Gift. With the help of his friend Eddie Monroe, Nick becomes efficient at using many of the Grimm weapons that were passed on to him by his aunt. The Grimm shirt displayed here lets others know that you attended the School of Weapons Training, even if it only means practicing in the woods with your friend Monroe.