Directed by Robert Rodriguez and Ethan Maniquis, the Machete movie is a continuation of the fake trailer that was shown with 2007’s Grindhouse double feature. The character made his first appearance in Rodrguez’s 2001 film Spy Kids. This Danny Trejo costume t-shirt features his arsenal of machetes and knives that he uses to exact revenge on his enemies. Those enemies include the drug lord Rogelio Torrez (Steven Seagal), who murdered his wife and child prior to leaving Machete for dead, and Michael Booth (Jeff Fahey), who set up Machete in the intentionally botched assassination of Senator McLaughlin (Robert De Niro). Let everyone know that you’re a fan of the film and Danny Trejo with this Machete movie t-shirt that can also be worn as part of a Danny Trejo costume.
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