Big Bang Theory Starving Morlocks T-Shirt

Big Bang Theory Starving Morlocks T-Shirt
Big Bang Theory
Big Bang Theory
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In The Big Bang Theory episode “The Nerdvana Annihiliation”, Leonard buys a full size time machine prop from the 1960 film The Time Machine based on H.G. Wells’ 1895 novel of the same name.  Leonard mistakenly believes that it will be much smaller given its relatively low price.  After struggling to get it up the stairs to the apartment, Leonard, Sheldon, Howard and Raj take turns sitting in the time machine, imagining themselves traveling into both the past and the future.  This Starving Morlocks costume shirt represents the creatures from Sheldon’s nightmare that he has involving the time machine.  He dreams that starving Morlocks are trying to eat him.  This is a reference to the humanoid creatures that exist in the distant future in H.G. Wells’ novel, creatures that evolved to feed on their fellow humanoids the Eloi.  It is suggested that Morlocks evolved from working class humans, while the Eloi were once the upper class.  The Big Bang Theory Starving Morlocks t-shirt is great for costumes or to let others know that you’re a hungry cannibal who dwells underground.

Sold by: CafePress   Artist: Wayward Tees   Category: TV   

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