In John Carpenter’s 1988 science fiction movie They Live, the aliens who are disguised as humans bombard us with hidden messages in an attempt to control our minds. It works until a band of rebels that includes a man called Nada (Roddy Piper) discovers the truth. How do the rebels do it? They use pairs of specially designed sunglasses that reveal the aliens for what they are. The sunglasses also allow the rebels to read the hidden messages on the billboards and on TV, which before were only digested by our subconscious. This They Live t-shirt puts a humorous twist on these messages by showing an alien with a beer mug who is telling us to “Obey, Consume, Conform, Sleep”. Ah, so that explains it. I knew something else had to be encouraging us to drink. Now, if only we can get our hands on those sunglasses.
Sold by: TShirtBordello Category: TV