Sweet Tooth Twisted Metal Shirt

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If you’re familiar with Sony PlayStation’s Twisted Metal video game franchise, then you’re more than familiar with its star character and mascot, Sweet Tooth.  The premise of the video game is pretty simple.  Players compete in demolition derby style contests across varying arenas of their choosing.  They select from an assortment of weaponized vehicles outfitted with everything from machine guns and ballistic missiles to the ability to activate nuclear and satellite-based weapons.  The last player standing at the end of the battle is the winner.  This Twisted Metal Sweet Tooth t-shirt is a tribute to the video game’s most popular character, a serial killing clown whose real name is Needles Kane.  Sweet Tooth, as he has come to be known, was once an inmate of Blackfield Asylum until he was set free by the game’s host, Calypso.  Also known in his past life as the Ice Cream Truck Killer, Sweet Tooth has appeared in every installment of the franchise, in addition to being featured on every cover of the game to date.  If you’re a fan the character and the longest running PlayStation-exclusive video game franchise, then this Twisted Metal t-shirt will help to make you feel more “combative” behind the wheel.

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