Sheldon Cooper can be seen wearing this Batman and Robin t-shirt in "The Spoiler Alert Segmentation" episode of the sixth season of The Big Bang Theory. He is wearing the shirt in the scene where his girlfriend Amy Farrah Fowler (Mayim Bialik) asks him, "Aren't I your perfect roomate?" She had moved in with him after he spoiled the Harry Potter book for Leonard, which prompted Leonard to move in with Penny across the hall. Initially, Sheldon likes the idea of having Amy as a roommate and agrees that she is a good choice since he already knows her. However, Sheldon and Penny quickly become annoyed with their new living situations, which leads to a huge blow-up in the hall. Wear Sheldon's Batman and Robin shirt from The Big Bang Theory to show that you're a fan of both Dr. Cooper and the Dynamic Duo.
Sold by: TV Store Online Categories: TV, Seen On Screen, Superhero Tags: Batman